Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ABC's of Summer: X and Y

So I am up this morning, early I might add, because today we start our teacher meetings--summer is officially over. So here are my last 2 letters in my summer series. I couldn't think of a Z so...

X is for experiences and Y is for yes. This summer, I have tried to live a “wide open” life. I have said yes to most offers on the table—want to camp in July sure, want to go for a 6.5 mile hike, want to run up to Denver this weekend, want to go to this conference, want to try this class. I had a hard adjustment to all the changes in my life last summer and so this summer I tried to do more things. Sometimes saying yes opens a whole world to you!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I liked your Summer ABC series. I think "Z" should have been for all the racked up getting rested for this School year. Sorry to hear your Summer is officially over!