Monday, August 13, 2012

Where did I go this summer?

A twist on the what I did on my summer vacation back to school essay. You don't have to travel far to enter other worlds and meet interesting people as long as you have a book!

The streets of Northern Italy, Ellis Island, and Liitle Italy in NY through a pair of love fated immigrants in The Shoemakers Wife.

The adventures of a time traveling teenager and her secretive family in Ruby Red.

A burn recovery unit and rehab center through the eyes of a depressed 8th grader in The Burn Journals.

New Bejing where Cinderella  is a cyborg and a gifted mechanic.

The planet Rakhat on a Jesuit mission to discover new life (and the perils of their interventions) in The Sparrow.

The island of Moloka'i with a group of lepers who manage to make life worth living and loving in Moloka'i.

The mind of a sociopath in the twisting thriller Gone Girl.

my read shelf:
Amy's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

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