Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Weekend Getaway

So we all headed to Durango, CO this past this weekend. We left in the afternoon, so luckily Elle slept through most of the drive--which involves some beautiful scenery but 3 mountain passes where there is too little guardrail for my comfort. I was worried that I would have to come up with ways occupy an increasingly mobile 9 month old in a hotel room most of the day but it was a great weekend. Here is what we did...

we got up and got dressed (in one of our many Auntie shirts) and headed out for breakfast. Elle then crashed for a morning nap (an hour and a half!!) which allowed me to finish 1 book and start another and then grab some zzz's myself. We then bundled up and headed out to walk around town. We got some books and book recommendations at a cute book store, wandered through a baby boutique, and then hit the candy store for my favorite...

Non-pariels, which I can't find anywhere in Grand Junction(if anyone knows where I can find some let me know, or more importantly let my husband know!) Unfortunately, the drive back over the previously mentioned 3 mountain passes was a white knuckle, blizzardy experience in which we had the heater blasting and my candy melted into one soupy mess:(.

We headed back to our hotel room where we made some calls...

we played with Sally the Seal...

and then crashed for an afternoon nap..

and so did mommy. I can never seem to nap at home, my mind races with all the things around the apartment that need to be done or put away or finished, the recipes to file, the papers to write, the outgrown clothes to go through, etc--so much so that I sometimes get paralyzed and do nothing. My husband of course can fall asleep at the drop of a hat and is always after me to nap. When I told him I took 2 naps that day, he cheered. Mini-vacations are so calming--my mind doesn't race because there is nothing I can do but nap!

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