Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Messy House Guilt

So I think someone has been spying on my house...
My issue of Working Mother arrived and all I can see around me is mess.  Our house is clean but it is messy and cluttered.  A 2 bedroom apartment and a toddler do not mix well.  Play involves as many toys as possible in a short period of time.  We are working on having her help us pick up but most nights it doesn't happen.  And then by the weekend, I am nuts about it.  Most nights I would rather spend the few moments I am awake enough at the end of my days actually talking with my husband or reading a book or emailing a friend instead of picking up.  But the mess leaves me unsettled, it leaves me anxious about people coming over and seeing it, and sometimes it makes me feel like a bad mom and wife.  The article didn't tell me anything new or offer me tips I haven't thought of.  But it did make me think about how and what we judge others on...

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